Michelle is strong, powerful and her work is high quality

Michelle is like saffron or perfume: she comes in a small bottle because she is strong, powerful and her work is high quality.  As a powerful coach there are two things that are special in her: the first one: the passion and energy she gives to her work. So contagious and positive that it creates openness, possibilities and real transformation for those working with her. It’s like the light at the end of the tunnel.

The second one is that she can be as brutal and direct as no one else, telling you those things you don’t want to hear in such a caring, loving and selfless way that it actually breaks through any resistance that you might have to let that feedback in and start the process of transformation.  In my case, those brutal words she told me, which now I recall as beautiful and powerful, are part of my toolbox and years later, I still catch myself using those tools and laughing and remembering her with gratitude.