Embracing Change Under the New Moon: Letting Go and Trusting the Journey

Jun 10, 2024

We move through the last remnants of letting go as the new moon is loading..

A deep part of letting go is trusting.

Trusting that all is unfolding exactly how its meant to be on all levels in every direction.

We let go to create space.

Imagine walking days and days with our childhood shoes on.

The pain would become unbearable and possibly deforming after a while.

That’s how many humans walk today..

Leading from old expired software programs, old limiting beliefs, outdated constructs that limit not only the capacity of our expansion, but the entire vastness of our experience and possibilities in this moment.

New moon in Gemini is coming up on Thursday.

What’s on the menu you might ask?


With 5 planets in this beautiful air sign, everything is moving super fast.

Embrace change.
Become its ally.
Become its agent.

Change is happening..

and we either hold the captain’s wheel and surrender with courage, innovating every step of the way…

Or we suffer the entire experience as we’re forced to change.

Pain is inevitable. Surrendering is a choice.

We become so attached to our way of thinking, that surrender feels like rowing upstream.

There is a high council rooting for us.

And they’re guiding us from the inside out.

Take hold of mastery.

Master your focus.

Focus will be the million dollar asset in a time of great change.

Master your experience.

That requires focus, courage to feel it all and unwavering faith to keep moving forward in the dojo of our life.

To a life a of deep alignment, fulfillment, gratitude and feeling rich on all levels.